- “Unknown” Geo Fence Data
Incident Report for TapClicks
If you are using’s Geo Fence data view you may have seen the value “Unknown” appearing in the “Geo Fence” field beginning in early June. This was due to a source data problem coming through the API and was subsequently populated to TapClicks during daily fetch processing.

We have been working with to resolve the data at the source and have purged all “Unknown” geo fence values that we received from them for dates starting June 1st, 2018. We have also confirmed that these “Unkonwn” geo fence values are no longer part of the Organization Geo Fence Legacy reports that we receive from

We are continuing to work with to determine if Geo Fence data from before June 1st, 2018 may have been affected and will take the necessary actions based on’s findings.

No data outside of the Geo Fence data view has been impacted by this issue.

If you have any questions please contact your Customer Success Manager.
Posted Jun 20, 2018 - 15:58 UTC
This incident affected: TapAnalytics/TapReports.